Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pemuda race heats up

Now with keris-man Hishammuddin officially out of the running and gunning for the VP post in UMNO that will make him a frontrunner to be the Mongolian one's DPM, the post of UMNO chief monkey is wide open. It is, of course, a much coveted post. Whoever is Ketua Pemuda UMNO (UMNO Youth Chief) has keys to the kingdom. He is the poster boy of the party, conscience of the Melayu and by convention a cabinet minister. Hishamuddin has been at it for too long now. Taking over in 1999, when Zahid Hamidi was forced to resign by the Sith Lord, Mahathir, Hisham now finds himself uncomfortable with the younger UMNO boys. in fact, he has been disinterested in youth politics for the last few years.

That's one of the reason he brought in the ultra-chimp, KJ, as his hatchet man. KJ was sent all over the country to press skin and high five the grass roots because Hishammuddin just couldn't give a damn anymore and was more interested in his big time Education portfolio. But after a while, monkey-boy KJ got a bit ahead of himself. HE became Pemuda UMNO and Hishammuddin looked like the footnote. That's when things began to sour and it came to a head when Hishammuddin instructed his lackeys to openly attack KJ in a Pemuda UMNO meeting.

Since then, the keris wielding one has been making overtures towards Mukhriz, the bald imbecile. Hishammuddin knows that to win the VP elections, he needs to kowtim the Mahathir sympathizers in UMNO and one sure fire way of doing this is by being bum chums with Mukhriz. Proof 1: Mukhriz gets off scot-free after writing a letter asking PM to step down. Any other normal party member would have been sacked. Proof 2: the bald one comes out in defence of Hishammuddin's kerisapology when grassroots UMNO members are pissed at hell that Hishammuddin apologized the way he did basically losing face unceremoniously.
For the time being, the race to fill Hishammuddin's seat is a two horse race. Mukhriz is riding on a wave of popular sentiment by offering himself as the latest great brown hope. He is joined by the Botox-enhanced, vertically challenged Javanese who single-handedly lost Selangor for BN. Dr Khir Toyo needs to stay relevant during the next few barren years. Prior to the election, he rated himself as a VP contender and potential PM (all together now - laugh out loud!). Now after losing the crown jewel state, he may not even win a Supreme Council seat. So he has quickly reinvented himself, starting a blog (ghost written by Masri, his grotesquely obese press aide), shared a stage with Mahathir for street cred and upped his attacks on Pak Lah to capitalize on the ground feeling. This way, he has a chance to go for Ketua Pemuda and stay relevant for the next few years before the next election.

There are others waiting in the wings but none are being considered seriously at the moment. There is that sometimes pro-Pak Lah lunatic Zahidi Zainul Abidin from Perlis, orator Azimi Daim from Kedah and even the ambitious ex-political secretary of Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Norza Zakaria that are said to be thinking of throwing their hat in the ring. This is not including dark horse candidates that may appear at the last minute including some cabinet ministers who may decide to go for it after gaining momentum from dispensing patronage from their ministries.

But until another contender appears, Khir and Mukhriz have a captive audience for their initial campaign moves. Mukhriz has been busy moving in Kedah and Kelantan, meeting with Pemuda members and selling his anti-Pak Lah platform. Botak Mahathir has been making limited impact - limited because he simply can't inspire the grassroots with his atrocious public speaking skills. He makes up for this with the company he keeps and cold, hard cash. He has been accompanied by a few Exco members including staunch Hishammuddin loyalists, lending credibility to the view that the Cheif's personal choice is the bald one. One such Hishammuddin lackey who is now an ally of Mukhriz is the good-for-nothing former Imam of the National Mosque, Pirdaus Ismail. Frustrated at having lost twice in Permatang Pauh to the gaylord's long-suffering wife, Pirdaus is blaming Pak Lah for his inability to get elected as an MP (for the record, he lost narrowly in 2004 during the BN landslide and proceeded to kick the ballot boxes during the recount demonstrating great sabar qualities of an Imam). Mukhriz has also wasted little time showing his generosity to the boys on the ground. Big bro Mokhzani who's swimming in dosh following the listing of oil and gas flagship Kenchana which bagged huge Petronas projects (nice one, Tun Maha!) and Daddy's fave crony SM have built a sizable war chest for the bald one amounting to nearly RM50 million for the time being. Rumour is rife that Mukhriz already has 70% of the Ketua and Naib Ketua Pemuda Bahagian on his payroll, dispensing anywhere between 3 - 10K a month per person depending on their strategic importance.

As for the face-lifted Javanese, he moves from a position of disadvantage. He has been out of the Pemuda mainstream so has very little personal rapport with the youth division leaders and has to compensate for this with good, old-fashioned UMNO pork barreling. He relies on a few key Selangor Youth boys, led by Faisal Abdullah from Kapar of the Port Klang Free Trade Zone fame. Faisal is in turn linked through a business partnership to the new chairman of BN's backbench, Bintulu MP and all-round taiko, Tiong King Sing. Tiong comes from a small Sarawak party, SPDP, but has managed to buy influence not just in UMNO but also MCA and Gerakan. Combine Tiong's cash and monies accumulated by Khir cronies like the Lebar Daun boys during his kaya raya tenure as Selangor MB, expect our Botoxed lad not to lag far behind the bald one in terms of campaign war chest. In fact, the Pemuda boys haven't seen it this good since 1996 when the contest for chief monkey saw a windfall of fibre for delegates. Today, if Khir wants to see you, you go. After the meeting, one of the Javanese's bag carriers will slap an envelope in your palm. Going rate: 5K per pack. Wassupp...

The Pemuda ground is thus fast being split into two, one side for Mukhriz and the other for Khir. But, and this is a big but... there is one important caveat. There is one man who still commands a sizable influence in Pemuda UMNO. Once the heir apparent and next-big- thing, he has seen his star wane since the election. Now, he is a leper in the party and people get credibility openly criticizing him. Brash, provocative and at times remarkably silly for an Oxford graduate, he nevertheless built a following in Pemuda UMNO as Hishammuddin's deputy. Although many have written him off as finished, the monkey-like KJ is still studying his options. Of the three, he is the youngest at 32, in fact more than a decade younger than both Botak and Botox. He has time on is side and is the most talented of the lot (which actually ain't saying much at all given the quality of leaders in UMNO). Word is, his hardcore support is in tact and ready to battle. Monkey-boy has been uncharacteristically coy even in private according to those who have met him. But he has sent strategic feelers to the ground using trusted hulu balangs like chief gorilla Azeez Mamak a/l Raheem to gauge support for his candidacy. Although popular ground sentiment is against Pak Lah and his monkey- boy SIL, Botak Mahathir and Botox Toyo are most afraid of KJ announcing his candidacy. That would split the ground three ways and most likely escalate the price of war with everybody trying to outbid one another, UMNO-style. It will also upend any secret pact between Mukhriz and Khir which would have seen the Javanese pull out at the last moment in favour of the son of the man who made him MB in the first place.

But until monkey-boy declares his candidacy, the field is wide open for Mukhriz and Khir. If KJ delays any further, he will find that many more Youth leaders would have committed their support to either of the other two making it difficult for him to secure their nomination and vote. Whatever happens, the contest for Ketua Pemuda is set to be intense, dirty and nail-bitingly close.

Fat Cat: Botak, Facelift and Monkey? Hmm... takkan takde yang lain!


Anonymous said...

Zahid Hamidi gets my vote!

Anonymous said...

Hisham cannot win VP post that he is eyeing for if he doesnt cleanup UMNO Youth. If UMNO Youth either falls into the hands of the three stooges, than UMNO will never regenerate or suceed.

KJ is the most likely candidate out of the 3, but with Pak Lah around and age on his side, he shld just maintain as Deputy or step aside for one term. My sources tell me, Najib likes this boy, and so does Anwar. Time will tell.

Khir on the other hand ony wants the post to make it into cabinet to get protection as Khalid Ibrahim is going to unveil a report on him, BALKIS being the 1st of many.

Mukhriz? We all know, Dr. M will be the Youth Head. Mukhriz is a good chap, but he is not a politician and definitely not a leader.

My money is on rank outsiders like Zahid Hamidi or Noh Omar or Khaled Nordin, simply because if the battle really heats up at VP level the Youth Post is the realistic choice.

Whoever takes on the Youth Head post shld not have a post in govt or cabinet so the rebuilding plan can start or we will see an untimely demise of a political wing that has seen so many leaders succeed.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mukhriz is the best bet. He is a humble man with superb PR skills and has the ability to listen to others. His father has shown him for 42 years how to manage politics and many malaysians wish him the best on his way to serve a better malaysia.

Khairy is too sombong, never acknowledges ppl and unaproachable. The ex-selangor MB is finished, ppl in Selangor dont want him, and if UMNO vote him, that shows that UMNO is out of touch with reality. Money talks in UMNO and BN full stop.

Anonymous said...

Blog ni bangang.

Anonymous said...

Ini macam tempat lepas geram je

Anonymous said...

Ini macam tempat lepas geram je

Anonymous said...

Mukhriz listens to others because he has no ideas of his own. He doesn't have the qualities of a leader like his father Tun Mahathir.

Plus, what Mukhriz is doing to PM now is damn sombong... who is he to ask PM to step down. He should be thankful that PM picked him as a candidate when he isn't even a senior UMNO leader. All because his father is Tun Mahathir.

KJ may be brash and swaggers around, but as someone from the younger generation I think this guy has guts and vision. He needs to change his style a bit, but when it comes to sheer intellect and energy to argue a point and even for that matter help people on the ground, this guy is the best of the lot.

The only problem with KJ is that he has been demonized by UMNO and in the Internet. But if you ever see him speak in real life, I guarantee he will blow you away. This much Mukhriz is way,way,way behind him.

Khir: HAHAHAHAHAHA... good joke.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fat Cat Man

KJ should be leader of Pemuda, no doubts about it. He is the smartest of the lot, has learnt a lot in life over the past couple of weeks and given his enormous "sex-appeal", "oosing machismo" and insanely loyal band of bandies(myself included), i think we will do an effective pincer movement, drawing in the enemies of the state (i.e. himself, IMHO there should not be any differences) to stage a magnificent come from behind victory and thus increasing the index of lackeys and pengampu, which is currently oversold

(Belia Sokong KJ terLampau)

Anonymous said...

Dato' Mukhriz tidak layak jadi Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia. Saya pemimpin Pemuda di peringkat cawangan. Semasa pemilihan parti tahun 2004, Dato' Mukhriz pernah datang rumah saya untuk kempen. Pada waktu itu, saya amat kagum bahawa seorang anak kepada negarawan ulung kita boleh bersila atas lantai rumah saya yang tidak seberapa.
Selepas itu saya menjadi penyokong kuat beliau sehingga beliau menang Exco dengan undi tertinggi. Malangnya, apabila sudah menjadi Exco, beliau lupa kepada saya dan rakan2 di bawah. Talipon tak jawab, SMS tak balas dan amat susah untuk berjumpa dengannya.

Saya banding pendekatan Dato' Mukhriz dengan Sdr KJ. Dulu saya tak suka Sdr KJ kerana saya ingat dia menang atas kapasiti menantu Pak Lah. Tapi setelah saya mengikuti perjuangannya, saya melihat bahawa KJ ada ciri2 kepimpinan yang tereserlah. Walaupun dia nampak sombong tapi sebenarnya hati dia baik dan amat mudah untuk didekati. Kalau saya ke KL, tanpa apa2 notis saya boleh jumpa dengan beliau. Jauh beza dengan Dato' Mukhriz yang minta kita buat 'appointment' dua minggu sebelum kita nak jumpa... Itu belum jadi Menteri lagi!

Jadi kalau tanya saya siapa pilihan terbaik untuk jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, sudah tentunya saya akan pilih KJ. Dulu tak kenal maka tak suka. Hari ini kenal, bukan hanya sayang tapi akan sokong habis-habisan...

Anonymous said...

KJ is man in a hurry. Give dato M a try. one term la. Better than Khir Toyol. wife is bloody corrupt, just wear tudung, but swiped the cash.


Anonymous said...

ini semua calon KP yg gila kuasa.....cuba la korang fikir yg nak bertanding ni bukan lah org yg berjiwa pemuda....semua ni dah tua kecuali KJ lah kpd calon yg berjiwa muda.Yg lain ni semua ada agenda sendiri...dah tak de kuasa diaorg ni pun cari la post yg rase diaorng boleh menang..apa ko ingat jawatan KP Umno ni tempat jwatan ketua pengawas sekolah ker.......kepada khir n mukhris n yg lain2..aku rase baik la korang try lawan presiden jer.....aku akan sokong kejatuhan korang ni.....jgn lah kita gadaikan jwatan KP Umno kepada calon2 bangsat ni...

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that not more of the comments are pointing out that even if Khir Toyo is a serious contender and has a real chance of winning UMNO Youth Chief post, it is already the beginning of the end for UMNO. If Khir Toyo wins that will undoubtedly be one of the nails in UMNO's coffins, proving how out of synch UMNO really is with the rakyat.
As far as Mukhriz goes, all he has going for him is that he is son of Dr M. Fat Cat is right, there isn't much up there if you interact with him and i hear from some Pemuda people a lot of the stories like what Pemuda Butterworth said. so not much up there (which isn't a big surprise for UMNO) but not even rajin - evidently he can't even be bothered with bahagian meetings and he missed the first brief for all parliamenterians after the last elections.
Now KJ - I'm taking a wait and see policy, there are signs that dia dah insaf due to the tight slap the rakyat gave BN in these elections. If he can eat some humble pie and not be in such a hurry, this so called monkey boy (who actually does have talent and a brain whatever else one can say about him) might be able to put it to good and proper use. He will undoubtedly have to work damn hard tho to reinvent his image. Maybe he sits out this contest first since he's young? let's see what he can do now that he's actually accountable to a real constituency.
For the moment I'm leaning towards agreeing with fat cat - these 3 can't be the only candidates.