Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mahathir's idiotic Hardtalk interview

The only thing missing from Mahathir's Hardtalk interview was an afro and darker skin.  Otherwise, he was the quintessential African dictator.  To think that he still believes he can appear on BBC World, spew anti-Western and anti-Semitic insults and come home the champion of downtrodden Malaysians is complete lunacy.

Surely Mahathir must know that the world has moved on.  His West and Jew bashing may still get some old-school UMNO types to get an erection, but for many others he is simply laughable.  He lambasts the Jews and yet he paid a Jewish Washington lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, to arrange for a meeting with President Bush just before he retired.  Imagine that.  He was so pariah before he retired that he had to pay to get into the White House.  So much for being a champion of the Third World.  Kalau nak betul-betul jadi champion be like Fidel Castro, tak payah nak maki US then pay to go see the President.  Nampak sangat hipokrit gila.  Oh well, that's Mahathir for you.

Generally, Mahathir performed badly in the interview.  His attacks on Pak Lah were regurgitations of the same old stuff.  His attacks on Anwar were also recycled arguments laced with his selective memory.  He couldn't really defend his legacy well and that's when he decided to revert to African dictator mode by blaming all the world's ill on the West, Jews and, of course, gays.

Well, well.  Mahathir, cukup lah.  You are old and past your sell by date.  Those who still come and hear you speak either do so out of curiosity or are those who don't remember (Melayu mudah lupa, remember?) all your sins as PM.  Tapi you syok sendiri.  Your family tell you ramai yang masih sayang you.  Betul lah ada yang sayang. Malaysians are polite and respectful to their elders.  But make no mistake, you are the worst PM ever.  You may have built buildings but you destroyed lives.

That's why when Stephen Sackur drilled you during Hardtalk, you were squirming beneath that forced smile.  You were squirming because you know that is how you will be remembered.

Big Dog and Rocky will keep on polishing your balls as Mukhriz Botak keeps paying them.  But even they can't spin your complete and utterly disastrous performance in front of the entire world.


Lord Nikon 2008 said...

Tun Maha was abysmal if not comical like on BBC Hardtalk. Maha is no different than Augusto Pinochet, a bloody dictator.

M.I.H said...

Hey, kittykat! Hey nice pussy. So here you are Jeddy Cat! Don't go stealing anyone's money, you hear me? Don't tell lies about your car kena culik!

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Arn said...

as you wrote..." He lambasts the Jews and yet he paid a Jewish Washington lobbyist, Jack Abramoff "...how do you know?from anwar?do you really believe in him???did you ever see it with your own????