Friday, April 25, 2008


Remember when BN lost to PBS by two seats in Sabah back in 1994 and how BN ended up forming the state government on the back of mass defections? Remember who the mastermind was behind that black ops to literally buy the Sabah ADUNs? Yes, none other than our gay, de facto leader of the opposition, DSAI. When BN couldn't close the deal in Sabah, Mahathir was so pissed off that he told his then loyal deputy to do "all it takes". Gaylord took a break from sticking it in Azmin(if you don't think he's gay then try to meet him in real life and stare at his face; the bugger is flaming...), dug into some cronies' pockets and basically went shopping in Sabah. That was the end of PBS hegemony in Sabah and the state hasn't really recovered from DSAI spoiling the market with the big bucks in return for political support.

As Fat Cat writes this, Homo boy is back in East Malaysia doing what he does best - buying people. Ya he says he is not buying... BS. FYI, Anwar has a network of money changers laundering his cash for him back onshore and also uses the convenient ATM facilities of Al-Rajhi Bank to draw out the fibre for his buy-out operations (why do you think he's always in Dubai meeting "investors"?). Much of this is facilitated by homo chum Dr Rahim Ghouse who is a top bank exec Down Under. Make no mistake, DSAI is loaded. The Yanks and Turks have been giving him dosh as well as some Hong Kong magnate (details to come).

Gaylord is targeting a few low hanging fruits. He knows the Bidayuhs of Sarawak are pissed because they have no federal cabinet representation. So, he's been checking out the three Bidayuh MPs - Tiki Lafe, Richard Riot and James Dawos. Going price? A cool RM10million. Wassuppp???

In Sabah, word is he's teaming up with Anifah Aman who's pissed because Pak Lah didn't make him a minister. Gaylord's also got a couple of other MPs from UMNO Sabah itching to join like former mate Sapawi Ahmad from Sipitang. Yong Teck Lee is also upset that his SAPP is not in the federal cabinet and may do a runner. DSAI is onto all of this and is hot on the heals of the discontented.

So with all the money he has at his disposal, his threat of being PM by Sept 2008 may not be an empty one. After all, Sabah has shown previously that if the price is right who wants to talk about perjuangan?

Fat Cat: If you want Malaysia's first homo PM, JUMP! Everybody jump, jump, jump. Jump up, jump up and get down!


Anonymous said...

Anwar adalh Boneka Yahudi dan agen dalam CIA dan 'handler' dia adalah Paul Wolfowitz. Kalau Anwar tak jadi PM, Puteri Reformasi Nurrul Izzah menjadi peluang kedua lobbyist yahudi/barat mengambil negara kita. Awas.

Anonymous said...

Anwar's hypocrisy is nauseating. How can he talk about democracy and championing the people while spending so much time and effort lately on trying to get some BN MPs to jump over to his Pakatan Rakyat?? Whatever methods he's using, financial or otherwise is despicable because it shows a complete disrespect for both democracy and voters. Whether there is a clear monetary amount in play or not, it is beyond doubt that in these negotiations Anwar must be offering them something. These elected wakil rakyat know that there are consequences to jumping, they will not do it for nothing.
In the recent elections some people felt that it was time to give the opposition a chance, many others felt that BN had to be taught a lesson and from both of these groups are voters who can think and who care - no one wants a government made up of people who so clearly have a price. If Anwar wants pakatan rakyat to continue to have credibility he should realise this. but then again if fat kucing is even half right, then it is not something Anwar is very concerned about having seen what he sees as a real opportunity for him to rule this country.